Living for the Adventure
A solid staple in our relationship has been our combined passion for adventure. This was apparent in a recent camping trip to the coast. In Mike's true adventurous spirit, one of the many reason he stole my heart, called me Friday afternoon asking if I would be willing to go camping that night.
Cape Lookout State Park
My day had already been exhausting on top of being tired and crappy. The thought of racing home to frantically pack up the camping gear was daunting. Mike assured me to not worry he's got this. And sure enough, an hour later Mike and Wiley picked me up from work with the car fully loaded and we headed straight to the coast.
Yaquina Bay Lighthouse
There is something magical about living in Portland and being able to drive less than 2 hours to discover the many diverse types of beauty. Waterfalls, to hot springs, lush green hikes with babbling creeks or to explore the many sites the ocean offers. Having lived most our lives in the Midwest it still is mind blowing having all these options. We have a common goal to leave every weekend possible and surround ourselves Oregon's beauty.
Driving the Coast