
The un-American Dream

Gavin Aung Than's comic take on a graduation speech Cartoonist Bill Watterson gave sums up a lot of how Steph and I have felt over the past years. The exception is we are not going to work for ourselves and grow a family. We are just trying to invent our own meaning to life. It won't be easy, but we will be happier for trying.

Starting off.

For a long time now my Steph and I have been contemplating quitting our jobs and traveling. We had been researching it. Wondering where we could go and how long we could go for. She reminded me recently that on our last trip to Little Corn Island I was swimming with her in the ocean contemplating how we could change our lives and make this place our home. I didn't necessarily mean Nicaragua, I meant the world, seeing things. This…

Wedding procession

We were driving to Vizag for a wedding. Near Chillakallu we saw this wedding procession on the road.